• alpaca fibre

    The most advanced


    available Optic Fibre Diameter Analysis (OFDA) is a useful tool to analyze fibre and track the progress of your selection programs. See our rates and conditions on our website.


  • Fibre Testing


    is the only image processing instrument that has passed strict testing to be recognized by IWTO (International Wool Textile Organization). This method gives you a report based on full fibre length and thus throughout the growth of the fibre.

    Order your Fibre Testing !

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Fiber Test

Fiber Test

Animal fiber Test

Fibre Test will be done the week of reception of Alpaca, Llama, Angora Goat, Cashmere, Angora Rabbit, Sheep, ...sample

Each sample will be washed before testing without any correction factor on the fibre testing (all fibre will appear on the report - "Trim High" Off)

Reports include standard deviation, coefficient of variation of diameter, curvature, average diameter, spinning fineness, fibre length and comfort factor.

Also in the report : histograms and "along fibre" micron profile graphs and summaries.